News at Shadows Edge
Mage, Paladin, and Priest Class Guides Updated
We have added many new spells for these classes. The Skills Tree is now interactive and allows you to filter down to specific skill types and discover the level each skill is available and its specific abilities. Updated guides have a blinking star next to them in our table of contents column.
Horde Hands On
IGN posted their take on the world of the horde.
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Official Harassement Policy
Blizzard releases it official Harassement Policy. It is important for all players to understand the definition of harassement and its implications.
Harassement Policy
Some Major Changes to the Beta
We’ve finally made all of the races available for simultaneous testing in this Alliance & Horde Phase of our Beta Test. Once the client is downloaded, you will have the option to play all eight races: Human, Undead, Dwarf, Tauren, Gnome, Orc, Night Elf and Troll. Eight classes will also be available, as applicable to each race: Druid, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior. You read that right, Druids are available!
Beta Patch 4-16-2004
New Wallpaper
Official wallpaper available
Stormwind Map
WoW Beta is Live!
The first round of emails has gone out, and the North American and Korean World of Warcraft beta tests have officially begun. If you didn’t receive an email, don’t worry; we’ll be adding more testers at the start of each upcoming beta-test phase. Keep an eye on for news on when we’ll be opening up the additional phases, because that will be your clue to check the email account you used to sign up. Also, anyone interested in tracking the progress of the beta test can visit our World of Warcraft Community Site, which will contain regular updates as well as general information about the game.
The beta tests for certain languages in Europe and some additional languages in the Asia–Pacific regions will take place at a later date. Please stay tuned to for more information.
official announcement
Beta goes Live
Blizzard announces that the Beta emails have been sent and the Beta program is underway. This is a fantastic milestone for the game and means that the products release is only months away.
Blizzards New WoW Community Site Now Available
You can now see the new World of Warcraft Community site. Check out the top right hand corner that tells you if the login server and the world server are actually running or not. Cool info. You can also get news and other fun stuff. Check it out!!!
Fan Fiction added to Shadows Edge
Take a moment to read what 2 Shadows Edge fans have to say about their adventures in the wonderful World of Warcraft. (see next column)
New Interview
Interview: New World of Warcraft Cinematic IGN has posted an interview with Blizzard about our brand new behind-the-scenes World of Warcraft cinematic.
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How Banking will work in Azeroth
Worried about where you will store all your loot and how much storage you have? Blizzard gives us a sneak peak at how banking will work in Azeroth.
Denial of Service Attacks Cause Problems
During the last week, Shadows Edge's hosting service has reported "Denial of Service Attacks" with web sites that share the same server. This has caused our web site to be down at times. This greatly concerns us and we are working with the service provider to find a solution. Please bear with us as we resolve this issue.
World of Warcraft Beta Update
Once again we thank everyone for participating in our World of Warcraft beta test signups. Currently, we are reviewing the applications thoroughly, and we will notify selected testers by email before the start of each beta phase. Only selected testers will receive an email from Blizzard. Notification is slated to go out in the weeks ahead. Please stay tuned to for more information and extensive coverage on World of Warcraft.
Six New World of Warcraft Screenshots
Blizzard has posted 6 new screenshots for our view pleasure.
View Screen Shots
GameSpot Hands on Preview
Even at this early stage, World of Warcraft seems to possess a great deal of depth while, at the same time, seeming very accessible. It also seems to offer plenty of interesting choices for developing your characters, as well as numerous viable ways to do so. In fact, though the game seems to draw upon other massively multiplayer games for inspiration, World of Warcraft also seems to draw upon Blizzard's own addictive hack-and-slash series Diablo. The game is still in a closed-test state, though Blizzard recently solicited testers for an open beta test that will begin on an as yet undetermined date. World of Warcraft will launch on a different (and presumably much later) undetermined date, which will hopefully be later this year.
Read Full article
Web Site Issues!
Yesterday Shadow Edge went down for most of the day. This issue was due to our hosting company Westlin Corp. Westlin Corp lost one of their DNS servers. We should be back up and running now with 2 exceptions. 1. all SQL databases have rolled back a day. 2. all Forums have rolled back a MONTH! We are working with Westlin Corp to see if we can restore the forums however, the out come does not look bright.
We apologies for any problems that this has caused
Shadows Edge Webmasters
Valentine's Day comes to WoW
Blizzard posted new Valentine Pictures of WoW characters. I personally need one of those heart tunics!
See Pics
Q&A with Shane Dabiri
HomeLan Fed has interviewed Shane Dabiri about the latest with World of Warcraft.
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Submit Your Own News Item
You can now submit news items to Shadows Edge using our new Submit News Form. So when you find something cool you want to share with other WoW fans, submit that item to us and we will post in on our main page, and see your name is Bright Lights, well plain text, but hey this is fantasy right?
Submit News
What do you do at Level 60?
Player vs. Player, totally awesome high level dungeons for starters. People don't get how awesome these dungeons really are. We show a little of it on the dungeon page.
Comment from Gfrazier
Katricia, French support in North America?
Q:As you probably know there is 7.5 million french Canadian. I was wondering if we will get french in-game support by the GM's of the North American server. You just said that Europe will get French support for their server. I hope you guys don't forget us, there is a lot of player here. So, what you say?
A: had the opportunity to speak about this today and I was told that we are currently in the process of hiring a few GMs who are bilingual in english/french as well as a few other languages. ~Kat :)
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Humor in Wow?
Q:We all know that Blizzard is notorious for throwing quirky hilarity into all their titles. The sayings of "Zug-zug" and putting a playable hydralisk into a campaign mission in Warcraft 3 are perfect examples. Now, I wonder what we will see and hear in WoW? *giggles* A:There's lots of humor in WoW. You'll find it in many places and added in many different ways. ~Kat :)
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Voices in Warcraft..
Some of the voices in Blizzard games are done by employees. They volunteer and if it turns out well, it's used (or so I've been told). Other voices are done by paid voice actors. ~Kat
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World of Warcraft Fansite Chat
The World of Warcraft development team met with the Blizzard fansites last night to reveal a host of new information about the game and to take some questions from the community. You can read the chat transcript here.
Read transcript
Beta Signup Closed
We thank everyone for participating in our World of Warcraft beta test signups. We’re now reviewing the applications and will notify selected testers by email before the start of each beta phase. If you are not selected you will not receive an email. Please note that we can neither accept any additional applications nor make any changes to the information on anyone’s current application. Also note that we are unable to comment on the status of any application prior to the email announcements going out, so please refrain from contacting us regarding your application. We’re looking forward to an extremely productive beta test; please visit our Web site regularly for extensive coverage after the beta test goes live!
Official Notice
Svendig's (aka Ignis) Maps get Highlight on Allakazam
If you have been wandering around the lands of Atlantis and been wishing for a good map or two, then check out these fantastic maps by Svendig Rockbottom. Svendig has done an outstanding job on these maps, and are worth their weight in gold for those of us who are skilled at getting "misplaced" when traveling. =o) Links to Shadows Edge maps are listed under each zone at: Allakazam
Allakazam Update for Feb. 5 2004
Trade Skills Page Updated!
Blizzard has added Fishing and Enchanting to the World of Warcraft Trade skills page. You can also see a new screenshot of fishing in action!
Check it out
Ingame Macros
If you mean in game macros yes. Kat
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New Official Forums Coming Soon
New forums are on the way .. possibly tomorrow. As for the Blizzard Friends List idea, I'll pass the idea along to those who make such decisions. ~Kat :)
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Katricia Feedback Thread
For those of you who have been playing MMOs for awhile, what do you like the most and what do you like the least about the game(s) you've played?
Post Here
Blizzard North and South Explained
Blizzard North has made the Diablo series games: Diablo I, Diablo II, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. They are currently working on an unannounced project. They are located in Northern California (hence NORTH).
Blizzard (plain or Blizzard South or Blizzard HQ) is located in Southern California. We have two teams here that have worked on Warcraft I/II/III, StarCraft, and World of Warcraft.
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New Official WoW wallpaper
Blizzard has posted a new wall paper!
Get it here
New Q&A
Katricia posted a new Q&A on the Blizzard Official forums
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New character models for dwarves posted on the offical WoW site.
New character models for humans posted on the offical WoW site.
Humans Link
World of Warcraft Beta Signups This Week!
At 6:00 pm PST on Wednesday, January 28th, the signup period for the World of Warcraft Beta Test will officially begin. We will provide a link to the beta-test application right here in the news section at that time. Testers are not going to be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis, so you will be able to submit an application and receive equal consideration anytime during the signup period, which will end on Wednesday, February 4th at 6:00 pm PST. Please note that multiple submissions from the same household will result in complete disqualification.
For this initial phase of the World of Warcraft beta test, we will only be able to accept applications from Canada, Korea, and the US. The test for Europe and other countries around the world will happen later this year. Please do not contact us for further information regarding the beta test; we will be posting a FAQ in the days ahead.
New Comic
Sintel has produced his first Shadows Edge Comic called Shaman Shop. The current comic has found its home here on our news page.
New Community Manager:
Blizzard Entertainment is proud to announce that Donna Anthony has joined the World of Warcraft team as the much-anticipated Community Manager.
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Blizzard adds a Dungeons page to their website.
WoW Dungeons
Archived Highlights
Something missing from our main page that you want to see again. Visit our Archived Highlights page.