Banish - LEVEL: 28
Banishes the enemy target, preventing all action but making it invulnerable for up to 30 sec. Can only be cast on one target. Requires a Soul Shard. |
Corruption - LEVEL: 4
Corrupts the target, causing 60 damage over 30 sec. |
Corruption - LEVEL: 16
Corrupts the target, causing 117 damage over 45 sec. |
Corruption - LEVEL: 28
Corrupts the target, causing 270 damage over 45 sec. |
Create Healthstone - LEVEL: 38
Creates a Bloodstone that can be used to instantly restore a medium amount of health. Requires a Soul Shard. |
Create Minor Healthstone - LEVEL: 10
Creates a Minor Healthstone that can be used to instantly restore a small amount of health (100). Requires a Soul Shard. |
Create Soulstone - LEVEL: 18
Creates a Soulstone that can be used after death to restore it's owner to life. Requires 2 Soul Stones. |
Create Spellstone - LEVEL: 36
Creates a Spellstone that when equipped has a 50% chance of reflecting a hostile spell back at the caster. Requires a Soul Shard. |
Creates Lesser Healthstone - LEVEL: 24
Creates a Lesser Healthstone that can be used to instantly restore a medium amount of health (250). Requires a Soul Shard. |
Curse of Agony - LEVEL: 8
Curses the target with agony, causing 60 damage over 1 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. |
Curse of Agony - LEVEL: 20
Curses the target with agony, causing 216 damage over 1.5min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. |
Curse of Agony - LEVEL: 32
Curses the target with agony, causing 450 damage over 1.5 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. |
Curse of Elements - LEVEL: 32
Curses the target, increasing Fire, Frost and Nature damage taken by 20 for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. |
Curse of Recklessness - LEVEL: 12
Curses the target with recklessness, increasing damage by 3 but reducing armor by 45 for 2 min. Cursed enemies will not flee. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. |
Curse of Recklessness - LEVEL: 26
Curses the target with recklessness, increasing damage by 5 but reducing armor by 90 for 2 min. Cursed enemies will not flee. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. |
Curse of Recklessness - LEVEL: 40
Curse the target with recklessness, increasing damage by 8 but reducing armor by 135 for 2 min. Cursed enemies will not flee. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. |
Curse of Tongues - LEVEL: 22
Forces the target to speak in Demonic, slowing the casting time of all spells. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. Lasts 15 sec. |
Curse of Weakness - LEVEL: 4
Damage caused by the target is reduced by 2 for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. |
Curse of Weakness - LEVEL: 14
Damage caused by the target is reduced by 5 for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. |
Curse of Weakness - LEVEL: 24
Damage caused by the target is reduced by 8 for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. |
Curse of Weakness - LEVEL: 34
Damage caused by the target is reduced by 11 for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. |
Demon Armor - LEVEL: 22
Protects the caster, increasing armor by 60, shadow resistance by 5 and health reneration for 30 min. |
Demon Armor - LEVEL: 34
Protects the caster, increasing armor by 90, shadow resistance by 10 and health regeneration for 30 min. |
Demon Breath - LEVEL: 16
Allows the target to breathe underwater for 10min. |
Demon Skin - LEVEL: 0
Protects the caster, increasing armor by 20 and health regeneration for 30 minutes. |
Demon Skin - LEVEL: 10
Protects the caster, increasing armor by 40 and health regeneration for 30 min. |
Detect Invisibility - LEVEL: 40
Allows the friendly target to detect invisibility for 10 min. |
Detect Lesser Invisibility - LEVEL: 26
Allows the friendly target to detect lesser invisibility for 10 min. |
Drain Soul - LEVEL: 10
Drains the soul of the target, causing 50 damage over 15 sec. If the target dies while being drained, the caster gains a Soul Shard. Soul Shards are required for other spells. |
Drain Soul - LEVEL: 24
Drains the soul of the target, causing 160 damage over 15 sec. If the target dies while being drained, the caster gains a Soul Shard. Soul Shards are required for other spells. |
Drain Soul - LEVEL: 38
Drains the soul of the target, causing 300 damage over 15 sec. If the target dies while being drained, the caster gains a Soul Shard. Soul Shards are required for other spells. |
Enslave Demon - LEVEL: 30
Enslave the target demon, up to level 30, forcing it to do your bidding for 5 min. |
Eye of Kilrogg - LEVEL: 28
Summons the Eye of Kilrogg, which can be seen through. |
Fear - LEVEL: 6
Strikes fear in the enemy, causing it to run in fear for up to 10 sec. |
Fear - LEVEL: 24
Strikes fear in the enemy, causing it to run in fear for up to 15 sec. |
Fear - LEVEL: 40
Strikes fear in the enemy, causing it to run in fear for up to 20 sec. |
Health Funnel - LEVEL: 12
Gives 13 health to the caster's pet every second for 10 sec as long as the caster channels. Costs 9 health, plus 5 per second. |
Health Funnel - LEVEL: 20
Gives 24 health to the caster's pet every second for 10 sec as long as the caster channels. Costs 18 health, plus 9 per second. |
Health Funnel - LEVEL: 28
Gives 41 health to the caster's pet every second for 10 sec as long as the caster channels. Costs 30 health, plus 15 per second. |
Health Funnel - LEVEL: 36
Gives 59 health to the caster's pet every second for 10 sec as long as the caster channels. Costs 36 health, plus 21 per second. |
Hellfire - LEVEL: 30
Ignites the area surrounding the caster, causing fire damage to himself and all nearby enemies. Last 10 sec. |
Holy Ward - LEVEL: 40
Absorbs 150 holy damage. Lasts 1 min. |
Immolate - LEVEL: 1
Burns the enemy for 11 damage and then an additional 14 damage over 21 sec. |
Immolate - LEVEL: 10
Burns the enemy for 22 damage and then an additional 42 damage over 21 sec. |
Immolate - LEVEL: 22
Burns the enemy for 55 damage and then an additional 112 damage over 21 sec. |
Immolate - LEVEL: 34
Burns the enemy for 116 damage and then an additional 210 damage over 21 sec. |
Life Drain - LEVEL: 14
Transfers 10 health every second from the target to the caster. Lasts 5 sec. |
Life Drain - LEVEL: 22
Transfers 18 health every second from the target to the caster. Lasts 5 sec. |
Life Drain - LEVEL: 30
Transfers 30 health every second from the target to the caster. Lasts 5 sec. |
Life Drain - LEVEL: 38
Transfers 41 health every second from the target to the caster. Lasts 5 sec. |
Life Tap - LEVEL: 6
Converts 20 health into 20 mana. |
Life Tap - LEVEL: 18
Converts 55 health into 55 mana. |
Life Tap - LEVEL: 30
Converts 120 health into 120 mana. |
Rain of Fire - LEVEL: 20
Calls down a fiery rain to burn enemies in the area of effect for 180 damage over 9 sec. |
Rain of Fire - LEVEL: 40
Calls down a fiery rain to burn enemies in the area of effect for 528 damage over 9 sec. |
Ritual of Summoning - LEVEL: 20
Beings a ritual that summons the targeted group member. Requires 3 people to perform (one Warlock) and a Soul Shard. |
Sense Demons - LEVEL: 24
Shows the location of all nearby demons on the minimap for 3 min. |
Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 0
Sends a shadowy bolt to the enemy, causing 16 to 20 shadow damage. |
Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 6
Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 25 to 29 shadow damage. |
Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 12
Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 48 to 56 shadow damage. |
Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 20
Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 90 to 104 shadow damage. |
Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 28
Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 157 to 174 shadow damage. |
Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 36
Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 223 to 251 shadow damage. |
Shadow Ward - LEVEL: 30
Absorbs 150 shadow damage. Lasts 1 min. |
Siphon Mana - LEVEL: 26
Transfers 42 mana every 1 sec from the target to the caster. |
Siphon Mana - LEVEL: 38
Transfers 73 mana every 1 sec from the target to the caster. |
Summon Felhound - LEVEL: 30
Summons a Felhound to the Warlock for him to command. The Felhound is great against casters. Mana cost is based on level. Requires a Soul Shard. |
Summon Imp - LEVEL: 5
Summons an Imp to obey the Warlock's commands. Mana cost is based on level. The Imp has the same level as his master. This is a caster pet, that learns Blood Pact and Firebolt. |
Summon Succubus - LEVEL: 20
Summons a Succubus to the Warlock for him to command. This is a rogue pet, good for heavy damage. Mana cost is based on level. Requires a Soul Shard. |
Summon Voidwalker - LEVEL: 10
Calls a Voidwalker to the Warlock to slay his enemies. Mana cost is based on level. Requires a Soul Shard. The pet has the same level as his master.