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The Warlock Guide
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The Warlock Class is available to these Races.

Human, Orc, Undead, and Gnome

Blizzard's Class Description:

"Warlocks were mages that delved too deeply into the roots of demonic power. Consumed by a lust for dark knowledge, they've tapped into chaotic magics from beyond the world. The Burning Legion now feeds them their powers, allowing them to channel destructive energies and call upon the powerful emissaries of their demon masters." Blizzard

Shadows Edge Class Description:

The Warlock is the master of demons, using dark demonic magic, who has his own category of demons to tame, including succubi, felhunters, imps, infernals, and void walkers. All pets level up with their master and retains his name and comes when called. A Hunter can only tame a new pet when he permanently abandons his current pet. The pet can only level to 90% of the Hunter's current skill level.

Class Skills

The Warlock is a hardcore magic user, he will not function as a melee combat character and it's essential he makes the most of his special class skills to supplement his dark magical abilities. As you can see for the class skill list below, the focus is on magic, and of course his pets who will aid him in combat keeping the enemy at safe distance to avoid melee attack.

Banish Banish - LEVEL: 28
Banishes the enemy target, preventing all action but making it invulnerable for up to 30 sec. Can only be cast on one target. Requires a Soul Shard.
Corruption Corruption - LEVEL: 4
Corrupts the target, causing 60 damage over 30 sec.
Corruption Corruption - LEVEL: 16
Corrupts the target, causing 117 damage over 45 sec.
Corruption Corruption - LEVEL: 28
Corrupts the target, causing 270 damage over 45 sec.
Create Healthstone Create Healthstone - LEVEL: 38
Creates a Bloodstone that can be used to instantly restore a medium amount of health. Requires a Soul Shard.
Create Minor Healthstone Create Minor Healthstone - LEVEL: 10
Creates a Minor Healthstone that can be used to instantly restore a small amount of health (100). Requires a Soul Shard.
Create Soulstone Create Soulstone - LEVEL: 18
Creates a Soulstone that can be used after death to restore it's owner to life. Requires 2 Soul Stones.
Create Spellstone Create Spellstone - LEVEL: 36
Creates a Spellstone that when equipped has a 50% chance of reflecting a hostile spell back at the caster. Requires a Soul Shard.
Creates Lesser Healthstone Creates Lesser Healthstone - LEVEL: 24
Creates a Lesser Healthstone that can be used to instantly restore a medium amount of health (250). Requires a Soul Shard.
Curse of Agony Curse of Agony - LEVEL: 8
Curses the target with agony, causing 60 damage over 1 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Curse of Agony Curse of Agony - LEVEL: 20
Curses the target with agony, causing 216 damage over 1.5min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Curse of Agony Curse of Agony - LEVEL: 32
Curses the target with agony, causing 450 damage over 1.5 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Curse of Elements Curse of Elements - LEVEL: 32
Curses the target, increasing Fire, Frost and Nature damage taken by 20 for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Curse of Recklessness Curse of Recklessness - LEVEL: 12
Curses the target with recklessness, increasing damage by 3 but reducing armor by 45 for 2 min. Cursed enemies will not flee. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Curse of Recklessness Curse of Recklessness - LEVEL: 26
Curses the target with recklessness, increasing damage by 5 but reducing armor by 90 for 2 min. Cursed enemies will not flee. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Curse of Recklessness Curse of Recklessness - LEVEL: 40
Curse the target with recklessness, increasing damage by 8 but reducing armor by 135 for 2 min. Cursed enemies will not flee. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Curse of Tongues Curse of Tongues - LEVEL: 22
Forces the target to speak in Demonic, slowing the casting time of all spells. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. Lasts 15 sec.
Curse of Weakness Curse of Weakness - LEVEL: 4
Damage caused by the target is reduced by 2 for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Curse of Weakness Curse of Weakness - LEVEL: 14
Damage caused by the target is reduced by 5 for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Curse of Weakness Curse of Weakness - LEVEL: 24
Damage caused by the target is reduced by 8 for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Curse of Weakness Curse of Weakness - LEVEL: 34
Damage caused by the target is reduced by 11 for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Demon Armor Demon Armor - LEVEL: 22
Protects the caster, increasing armor by 60, shadow resistance by 5 and health reneration for 30 min.
Demon Armor Demon Armor - LEVEL: 34
Protects the caster, increasing armor by 90, shadow resistance by 10 and health regeneration for 30 min.
Demon Breath Demon Breath - LEVEL: 16
Allows the target to breathe underwater for 10min.
Demon Skin Demon Skin - LEVEL: 0
Protects the caster, increasing armor by 20 and health regeneration for 30 minutes.
Demon Skin Demon Skin - LEVEL: 10
Protects the caster, increasing armor by 40 and health regeneration for 30 min.
Detect Invisibility Detect Invisibility - LEVEL: 40
Allows the friendly target to detect invisibility for 10 min.
Detect Lesser Invisibility Detect Lesser Invisibility - LEVEL: 26
Allows the friendly target to detect lesser invisibility for 10 min.
Drain Soul Drain Soul - LEVEL: 10
Drains the soul of the target, causing 50 damage over 15 sec. If the target dies while being drained, the caster gains a Soul Shard. Soul Shards are required for other spells.
Drain Soul Drain Soul - LEVEL: 24
Drains the soul of the target, causing 160 damage over 15 sec. If the target dies while being drained, the caster gains a Soul Shard. Soul Shards are required for other spells.
Drain Soul Drain Soul - LEVEL: 38
Drains the soul of the target, causing 300 damage over 15 sec. If the target dies while being drained, the caster gains a Soul Shard. Soul Shards are required for other spells.
Enslave Demon Enslave Demon - LEVEL: 30
Enslave the target demon, up to level 30, forcing it to do your bidding for 5 min.
Eye of Kilrogg Eye of Kilrogg - LEVEL: 28
Summons the Eye of Kilrogg, which can be seen through.
Fear Fear - LEVEL: 6
Strikes fear in the enemy, causing it to run in fear for up to 10 sec.
Fear Fear - LEVEL: 24
Strikes fear in the enemy, causing it to run in fear for up to 15 sec.
Fear Fear - LEVEL: 40
Strikes fear in the enemy, causing it to run in fear for up to 20 sec.
Health Funnel Health Funnel - LEVEL: 12
Gives 13 health to the caster's pet every second for 10 sec as long as the caster channels. Costs 9 health, plus 5 per second.
Health Funnel Health Funnel - LEVEL: 20
Gives 24 health to the caster's pet every second for 10 sec as long as the caster channels. Costs 18 health, plus 9 per second.
Health Funnel Health Funnel - LEVEL: 28
Gives 41 health to the caster's pet every second for 10 sec as long as the caster channels. Costs 30 health, plus 15 per second.
Health Funnel Health Funnel - LEVEL: 36
Gives 59 health to the caster's pet every second for 10 sec as long as the caster channels. Costs 36 health, plus 21 per second.
Hellfire Hellfire - LEVEL: 30
Ignites the area surrounding the caster, causing fire damage to himself and all nearby enemies. Last 10 sec.
Holy Ward Holy Ward - LEVEL: 40
Absorbs 150 holy damage. Lasts 1 min.
Immolate Immolate - LEVEL: 1
Burns the enemy for 11 damage and then an additional 14 damage over 21 sec.
Immolate Immolate - LEVEL: 10
Burns the enemy for 22 damage and then an additional 42 damage over 21 sec.
Immolate Immolate - LEVEL: 22
Burns the enemy for 55 damage and then an additional 112 damage over 21 sec.
Immolate Immolate - LEVEL: 34
Burns the enemy for 116 damage and then an additional 210 damage over 21 sec.
Life Drain Life Drain - LEVEL: 14
Transfers 10 health every second from the target to the caster. Lasts 5 sec.
Life Drain Life Drain - LEVEL: 22
Transfers 18 health every second from the target to the caster. Lasts 5 sec.
Life Drain Life Drain - LEVEL: 30
Transfers 30 health every second from the target to the caster. Lasts 5 sec.
Life Drain Life Drain - LEVEL: 38
Transfers 41 health every second from the target to the caster. Lasts 5 sec.
Life Tap Life Tap - LEVEL: 6
Converts 20 health into 20 mana.
Life Tap Life Tap - LEVEL: 18
Converts 55 health into 55 mana.
Life Tap Life Tap - LEVEL: 30
Converts 120 health into 120 mana.
Rain of Fire Rain of Fire - LEVEL: 20
Calls down a fiery rain to burn enemies in the area of effect for 180 damage over 9 sec.
Rain of Fire Rain of Fire - LEVEL: 40
Calls down a fiery rain to burn enemies in the area of effect for 528 damage over 9 sec.
Ritual of Summoning Ritual of Summoning - LEVEL: 20
Beings a ritual that summons the targeted group member. Requires 3 people to perform (one Warlock) and a Soul Shard.
Sense Demons Sense Demons - LEVEL: 24
Shows the location of all nearby demons on the minimap for 3 min.
Shadow Bolt Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 0
Sends a shadowy bolt to the enemy, causing 16 to 20 shadow damage.
Shadow Bolt Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 6
Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 25 to 29 shadow damage.
Shadow Bolt Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 12
Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 48 to 56 shadow damage.
Shadow Bolt Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 20
Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 90 to 104 shadow damage.
Shadow Bolt Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 28
Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 157 to 174 shadow damage.
Shadow Bolt Shadow Bolt - LEVEL: 36
Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 223 to 251 shadow damage.
Shadow Ward Shadow Ward - LEVEL: 30
Absorbs 150 shadow damage. Lasts 1 min.
Siphon Mana Siphon Mana - LEVEL: 26
Transfers 42 mana every 1 sec from the target to the caster.
Siphon Mana Siphon Mana - LEVEL: 38
Transfers 73 mana every 1 sec from the target to the caster.
Summon Felhound Summon Felhound - LEVEL: 30
Summons a Felhound to the Warlock for him to command. The Felhound is great against casters. Mana cost is based on level. Requires a Soul Shard.
Summon Imp Summon Imp - LEVEL: 5
Summons an Imp to obey the Warlock's commands. Mana cost is based on level. The Imp has the same level as his master. This is a caster pet, that learns Blood Pact and Firebolt.
Summon Succubus Summon Succubus - LEVEL: 20
Summons a Succubus to the Warlock for him to command. This is a rogue pet, good for heavy damage. Mana cost is based on level. Requires a Soul Shard.
Summon Voidwalker Summon Voidwalker - LEVEL: 10
Calls a Voidwalker to the Warlock to slay his enemies. Mana cost is based on level. Requires a Soul Shard. The pet has the same level as his master.
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